No Fear Through the Valley - Blog Portada - - More Abundant Life

No Fear Through the Valley

Psalm 23:4 reads: „Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me”. How do we interpret these words and adapt them in today’s circumstances? What knowledge is hidden behind this passage? It is time to discover that path leading to serenity and bliss.

No Fear of Walking Through the Valley

Even though we mostly use Psalm 23:4 during funerals or when the end is near, there is a greater power to these words. The hidden message behind them is comfort and relief. As we discover their meaning, we should not fear what is inevitable.

Death is not the definite end. Believing in the afterlife, in a better life, is something that should keep us going. These words of comfort may accompany us throughout our lives, no matter the current situation. Nowadays, they are all the more important than ever.

Walking through the valley can be a difficult and dark path. Yet, we cannot give ourselves to that darkness. As there is a more meaningful purpose, evil is nothing to be fearful of. Even in the shadiest of valleys, we are never alone.

ANOTHER INTERESTING ARTICLE: Willingness to Act and Become a Herald of Your Change

The Idea of Comfort

Many people are afraid of the shadow of death but their faith in God is something that can guide them toward the light. Sometimes it is best to just let go, as we accept what is coming. The most important thing is, though, that we can rely on divine comfort.

You will never walk alone. Even when facing death, the Lord is your shepherd. It is He who guides all of us to green pastures and quiet waters. Thus, death can be seen as a beginning of a whole new journey to something far more comforting.

This is something to remember not only on our dying bed but also when we face the final hours of our friends and family. Walking through the valley is nothing scary as long as we have faith.

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